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Lesson plan 3

science lesson

In this lesson, I taught science lesson about gravity. I liked the lesson much and my students liked it as well. I showed them a small funny movie about Isaac Newton. they understood the lesson very much I know that when the drew the object flies when they read ( No gravity there) and drew object one the land when they read there is a gravity. I used two approached look-say and experiment..


The video about gravity that I used in the opening stage.


Please, press to see video.

Each paper two parts, each paper has title ( Gravity or No Gravity) so the students drew objects flew when they saw No Gravity and they drew objects on the land when they saw Gravity.

some students drew objects flew according to the title and some drew objects drew on the land.

My Reflection


Reflection 3



On Tuesday, May 05, 2015. I did the third lesson. It was about science I focus on the gravity. It was a part of the outcome “explain the effects of pushes and pulls on the movement of objects”.


I did the lesson well and the students were interested the lesson and understood it. In the opening, I explained about the gravity and used the authentic things such as, cube, ball and I picked up one student to jump to show them about the gravity has power and attract (pull) all things be down then I showed them the video about gravity. I liked the opening and I noticed that, they understood about the gravity. In the activity stage, they worked hard and drew what I asked them. They were happy and liked the lesson that made me happy as well. I used timer in the activity stage to engage them, my mentor liked it and the students as well because it made then to focus on their work and looked at the time.


I did the ending as well, I took they work and post some of them on the board and asked them the different between two places ( place with gravity and place without gravity) and what happened to the things in each places. I did a good work in this lesson. However, I need to focus to my grammar and pronunciation. It was the problem in my lesson. I got nervous and lost many pronunciation and grammar.


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