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Task 2

ِActive Learning Environments

In this task, I had learned the students need active learning environments to break the boring and deep learning, the places and the authentic objects that we used for teaching help the students make the environment very suit for learning.

In addition, I had learned what the strategies that use for active learning environments and what the benefits of using it for the students and teachers. 

 What is an active learning environment? What are its benefits? How does it link to the inquiry cycle? 


1- What is an active learning environment? Active Learning environment is spaces that are designed to support teaching and learning in an atmosphere conducive to engaging students actively in their own learning. It is one in which children are encouraged to explore and interact with the environment to make meaning and knowledge through their experiences, social interactions, and negotiations with others.


2-What are its benefits?

  • It encourages children’s engagement, curiosity, problem-solving.

  • An adequate level of resourcing to support a rich and engaging program.

  • Provides better opportunities for in-depth and meaningful interactions between educators and children.


3-How does it link to the inquiry cycle? 

Inquiry-based learning and active learning environment provide using the tools and methods of scientists, artists, problem solvers, or citizens in society to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them as the students  opportunities for learners to engage in the practices of life beyond the classroom.



Choose 3 lessons to observe to answer the following questions: 

STEM: Innovation Challenge! STEM
(Maths and Innovation integrated)
The problem is Zone the
Zoo keeper has too many animals to give water to. Can you help him figure out a way/system to help him water 3 groups of animals at a time.  the teacher gave  each student three objects black bag, cartoons, and tape

All students tried to make containers for keeping water but, one of the students created a great container with extra ideas. 

The activity increased student motivation, and performance they have an opportunity to make decisions about what they learn and how they use that knowledge to their real life.

( UW Institute, 2015). 

Science 1LW8 Identify and Explain each sense and how we use our senses in our daily lives.

The activity was the students had used perfume for smelling, and bell for hearing, different kind of clothes for touching and glasses that has different color lenses. they had used more objects for learning about five senses 


The students already know why they have 5 senses and what they use its for. 

The activity was excited for the students and they had used different objects for learning more about five senses. Most the students did the activity.  the students getting more out of higher education (Baldwin, n.d.)

Math 1MDM1: Measure the length of given objects using non-standard units.

The students had used a variety objects to measure other objects such as they used the marker to measure a small board, used string to measure table or chair and so on.

Then the students analyzed about the different measurements.

The students had prior knowledge about different size and length. 

The activity was very engaging for the young learners and they discovered many different objects that they can use for measurement as the nonstandard measurement. ​

What was the activity?

What was the prior learning to this lesson

What was the impact of the activity i.e. no. of ss engaged?

Which activity engaged most students? Why do you think this happened? 

Innovation Challenge activity, because it's challenge and they like to create something by themselves without any intervention of others.

Recored and reflect on the safety components of at least 3 science lessons taught whilst on TP

What safety issuses were taken into consideration?


When they did the 5 senses activity, they created a sticky substance and the specialist teacher was with them and did the activity with them and gave them tips about how they used it and they used plastic bags. 

Before beginning the activities, the teacher remaind them about the safety rules.


Were the SS made aware of them? How?


The students aware about the rules and they had seen the signage guideway that around the room. the signages have pictures and words that help the students understand the rules. 

Did any safety issues arise in the lesson that were not planned for?

No, all things happened that have been planned.

Is there signage in the classroom regarding safety?

Yes, there are many pictures with words signage in the classroom and lab that help students to be careful. 

Our sense
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