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Lesson Plan 4


I did the same lesson 3 but for second class and after my school mentor feedback, I used the corrections from my school mentor and even I did better than first class. The second class has high level than first class. The students were very interested and liked the activity because they used their photos and talked about themselves.  


Date & Duration of lesson

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Number of Students



Grade & Age

Personal Learning Aims:

  • Classroom management

  • Clear instructions





Learning Outcomes (refer to ADEC document)


Learning Outcome: (ADEC)

Students will be able to 1WC1:write simple sentences with correctly formed letters and correct ending punctuation

(whole class) 

We will learn how to write sentence. 

Groups activity

OL1: Handwriting skills.

OL2:Write words into sentences. 

OL3: We are reading to point as we read.

OL4: We are reading to sound out new words.




  • Read a story (this moose belongs to me) Shared reading

  • Discussion about Weekend

  • Draw a chart on the whiteboard 

  • Write students' words on the white board


  • Pens

  • Notebook


  • Different book for independent students 

  • Bones books 

  • Bot on the Moon books


       Discuss about what they have learned


Supporting activities based on grouping considerations ( See ADEC  document)

Opening:                                                                         Time: ___8:00___        

(consider prior learning, motivation, overview and the presentation of the learning outcome)                         

  • WC: Read the learning outcome, “today we are going to learn how to write sentences.

  • WC: Read a story (This moose belongs to me).

  • WC: Ask about cover page picture (What do you see on the cover page?) 

  • WC: Read the Title and Author and ask them to repeat it.

  • WC:Discuss about some pictures and events of the story.  

  • Moving to another side for discussion about the topic ( In the weekend.) 

  • What did you do in your weekend (Turn and Talk)

  • The teacher will write what they will say on the chart.

  • Make full sentences such as (In the weekend I go to the mall. In the weekend I play with my friend).

  • IW: They will do the first activity draw picture about what they do in the weekend ( 5minutes)

  • IW: Write sentences relates to what they will draw about the weekend. They can use the chart on the board to help.  

Practice Activities (use groupings as required)                                   Time:__8:20___________


Describe the activities and what the students will be doing. Consider differentiated activities.

Describe here what the teacher will be doing during the practice activities:

  • Give instructions for independent groups .

  • Sit with frist group and teach them (10-15) Minutes 

  • Sit with second group and teach them (10-15) Minutes 

Activity 1

 IW: They draw picture about what they do in the weekend ( 5minutes)

IW: Write sentences relates to what they will draw about the weekend. They can use the chart on the board to help.


Group Activity: (Independent)

Group (Elephants) 

Each student will use the book and write the sentence the outcome is handwriting skills.


Activity 3

 IW: They draw picture about what they do in the weekend ( 5minutes)

IW: Write sentences relates to what they will draw about the weekend. They can use the chart on the board to help.


Group Activity: Work with teacher

Group (Penguin) 

LO:WALT Sound out new words  (Bot on the Moon book)

The students will read the book and sound out the new words and the teacher will help them if them can't read the word after she gives them time to sound out.

Activity 2

 IW: They draw picture about what they do in the weekend ( 5minutes)

IW: Write sentences relates to what they will draw about the weekend. They can use the chart on the board to help.


Group Activity: (Independent)

Group (Tigers) 

Use the words (I, some, Said, The, go) into sentence


Activity 4

 IW: They draw picture about what they do in the weekend ( 5minutes)

IW: Write sentences relates to what they will draw about the weekend. They can use the chart on the board to help.


Group Activity: Work with teacher

Group (Monkey) 

LO:WALT Point as they read    (Bones book)

The teacher will read and they will repeat and point the word and teacher will explain some words to understand the book.

Closing/ Conclusion:                                                 Time: __8:40___________________

Consider a review of what the students did during the practice activities and ensure that all students are assessed for learning.

WC: The teacher will ask them what they have learned.

The Process of the Lesson


Teaching Strategies

Classroom Management Strategies​


Assessment Strategies

General Comments:

I really did a great lesson and I could manage the students very will I was very serious with them.

Recommendations / future personal targets / areas of focus

I will focus on time managment

  • Group work

  • Indivdual work

  • Demonstrate the activity

  • Ask open questions  

The teacher demonstrates the activity in the opening stage.

The students work as group first then individual 

The teacher asks a variety questions as formative assessment.

  • countdown

  • Class Dojo

  • verbal reinforcement

  • Verbal reinforcement

  • Class dojo point

  • Countdown


  • I have called students’ group name according to their levels to go to their group​

  • I have called name the students according to their levels and they know their table so it was easy to move.


  • I’ve used formative assessmen​


  • I observed them 

  • I asked questions

Grade 1



Elephant group activity

Elephant group activity

Tiger group activity

Tiger group activity

Monkey group activity

Monkey group activity

Penguin group activity

Penguin group activity





Write and draw when they finish

Write and draw when they finish

reading sound out new words

reading sound out new words

Report 2
Click to see the doc

Strengths of the lesson:



Before you started the lesson, you gave the books upside down, back to front and observed what the students did. You asked them to open the book and told them the learning intention. You asked students to show you how we point at the words and they showed you. You corrected Saif when he placed his finger at the wrong end of the sentence and praised those who remembered.


I really liked how you purposely placed books incorrectly in front of students and watched what they did to the books. Well done for moving Saif’s finger discreetly and praising the others for remembering what it means to point at the words.


You then did a picture walk through with the students. Each picture you asked the students what they saw and if they knew what it was. You allowed them to say in both Arabic and English. You also asked if they could show you which part of the body it was and to point to it.


Fantastic engagement with the students in the group. The language you used was consistent , and you allowed the students thinking time to say words and respond to your question. There was lots of student talk with students trying to verbalise their ideas.


You read through the book with the students and helped them to sound out new words. I liked how you tried to get them to sound out the words as they read, and got them to attempt most of the words on their own. You could see how the students kept their fingers on the page, even as they looked at the pictures. It was awesome how you got them to stand and physically show the different parts of the body. The pace you had with the students was good, and the questions you asked during reading of the text was at their level.


I know that you were working exclusively with this group but, you must also remember to keep a “roving eye” and check that the rest of the class is on task too. You had fantastic engagement with the group you are working with, but what other questions do you think you could have asked to extend their thinking beyond the book? Don’t forget to make links to the real world and the environment around them. You could ask them questions to link to learning in science too.


At the end of the lesson, you asked the students to retell the text to you. You asked them what our bones are used for and which part of the body were the main bones.


This would have been a good time to ask students to share the learning intention for today and whether they achieved it or not.


Areas for development:


Questions for the students could be linked to learning other curriculum areas especially science and physical education.


Keep an eye on your classroom environment and be aware of other activities that are happening in class.


The follow up activity was a bit too easy for the students. What other activity can they do if they finished early? What were the set of instructions for them after they were done?


Don’t forget to praise not only for behavior but for student thinking, sharing with class and peers.


Classroom teacher:

Rosaline Tavelia


Student teacher:

Maryam Mohammed






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