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Lesson Plan 1

In this lesson Plan, I taught a science lesson, the outcome was 1LW10: describe the characteristics of habitats and recognize that different organisms live in different habitats. it's a new lesson that they have learned, I divided the outcome to days.  
The lesson was observed by my Mentor College Teacher Dr. Neil.

Lesson Plan 1


In this lesson Plan, I taught a science lesson, the outcome was 1LW10: describe the characteristics of habitats and recognize that different organisms live in different habitats. I divided the outcome to days, it was first time they had learned this lesson but they had proir knowldge about some habitats because they talked about it in KG and it's in our life
The lesson was observed by Mentor College Teacher. Dr. Neil


 Name of Student: Teacher Maryam Mohammed  School: Al Sumow


Please note: You need to refer to the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC)  document “The New School Model Cycle One Teacher Guidebook & Learning Outcomes 2013-2014” pp. 12 to 17 for an explanation of “whole-small-whole framework”, for the cycle 1 classroom “grouping considerations” and for the Cycle 1 “learning outcomes”. You will note that some examples have been added to this lesson plan template.


Date & Duration of lesson

Sunday 28th February

Number of Students


Grade & Age

Grade 1

Personal Learning Aims:

  • Improve science talk

  • Ask clear questions

  • Classroom management



Learning Outcomes (refer to ADEC document)

Learning Outcome: (ADEC)

Students will be able to1LW10: describe the characteristics of habitats and recognize that different organisms live in different habitats




Friendly outcome: 

We will learn about desert, ocean habitat.


Living world



  • Questions

  • 2 big boards

  • Animals pictures  

  • Videos




Create ocean habitat

- cutting a big water bottle.

-A blue cotton

-Green and brown sheets

- Flamingo foam

-Animal toys

- Scissors




-fish stickers

- plastic plants

- sand

Activity 2:

Create desert habitat

- A wide large bowl


-Animal toys

- Green paper

-  brown paper

- Scissors

- sticks

- plastic plants

- fish stickers

Activity 3:

Create desert habitat

- A box


-Animal toys

- Green paper

-  brown paper

- Scissors

- sticks

- plastic plants

- fish stickers

Activity 4:

Create ocean habitat

- Bowl

- cutting a big water bottle.

-A blue cotton

-Green and brown sheets

- Flamingo foam

-Animal toys

- Scissors




-fish stickers

- plastic plants

- sand


  Discuss what they  have done and each group present their habitats

Supporting activities based on grouping considerations ( See ADEC  document)

Opening:                                                                         Time: _10:35________        

(consider prior learning, motivation, overview and the presentation of the learning outcome)                         

WC: Read the learning outcome, “today we are going to learn Which animals live in the desert and ocean.

WC: Display vocabulary on the board, read the words and ask students to repeat.

Vocabulary: Desert, Ocean, Habitat, whale, jellyfish, fish star, fox, octopus.

WC & PW: Ask the students open questions:   

What animals do you like?........Why?

What animals live in the desert?    Why?    ( turn and talk)

What animals live in the ocean?   Why?  ( Turn and talk)

WC: Display picture of desert and Ocean animals then ask the students, where is the ocean and where is the desert? (identify the Ocean and Desert).

GW: (Bloom taxonomy). Just read the questions and after the activity stage, they will answer.

What will happen if we put fish in the desert?

What will happen if we push the camel in the ocean?

Where does jellyfish live?

Practice Activities (use groupings as required)                                   Time:_10:45_________

Describe the activities and what the students will be doing. Consider differentiated activities.

Describe here what the teacher will be doing during the practice activities:


Walking around the groups and ask them a variety questions.

Activity1:  (Mastery)

GW: Create ocean habitat

The students will use the materials to create ocean habitat without teacher helping.


  • What a sea habitat looks like?

  • What kind of animals live in the Ocean?

  • The teacher will ask questions according to their habitat work.



Activity 2  ( Developing) 

GW: Create desert habitat

The students will use the materials to create desert habitat without teacher helping.


  • Which animals live in the desert?

  • Which animals live in the Ocean?

  • The teacher will ask questions according to their habitat work.


Activity 3 (Emerging)

Create desert habitat


GW: The students will use the materials to create ocean habitat without teacher helping.



  • Where does camel live?

  • Can fish live in the desert?

  • The teacher will ask questions according to their habitat work.



Activity 4 (Mix levels)

Create ocean habitat


GW: Create desert habitat

The students will use the materials to create desert habitat without teacher helping.


  • What a sea habitat looks like?

  • Where does jellyfish live?

  • Can mouse live in the ocean?

  • The teacher will ask questions according to their habitat work.

Closing/ Conclusion:                                                 Time: ____11:00___________

Consider a review of what the students did during the practice activities and ensure that all students are assessed for learning.

GW:  Each group will talk about their work and the teacher will ask Bloom taxonomy questions that she has asked in the beginning to assess them.

  • verbal reinforcement

  • Group point




Teaching Strategies

  • Group work

  • Demonstrate the activity

  • Ask open questions  

The teacher demonstrates the activity in the opening stage.

The students work as group

The teacher asks a variety questions.

Classroom Management Strategies​

  • verbal reinforcement

  • Group point

  • countdown


I have used different verbal reinforcement such as (fantastic Maitha, Well done Hamad.

I give a point to good behavior group


I have called students’ group name to go to their group

I have called students’ group name and I’ve chosen a little teacher for each group to drive them to their group.

Assessment Strategies

I’ve used formative assessmen

  • Open questions

  • Observe the students during activity stage

  • Discus their work

  • Think-Pair-Share

General Comments: 

I did a great lesson and the students really liked the activity, they were interested much in activity stage much and they got the outcome. I liked (Bloom taxonomy) questions and I will keep to use it. 

Recommendations / future personal targets / areas of focus

I will focus on class management more than what I did. 


My reflection


On Monday, February 29, 2016. I did my science lesson about desert and Ocean habitat. The outcome was  new for children in grade 1. However, they have background about the habitat it’s in their life and they can see the kind  of habitat in the UAE.


In the beginning, I told the students about the outcome and explained some vocabulary that they should know in this outcome.  Then I’ve asked them questions just to know their prior knowledge about the outcome  and some of them had have a good background about the desert and ocean habitats. It helps me to know what the children already know and what they need to know. I like my ways to do the opening but I’ve to be slowly next time.


I wrote bloom taxonomy questions and read before activity stage, the purpose that I want the students think deeply during their activity that help them to identify the animals in each habitat.  They already know the answers but I told them I don’t want to answer now.


I didn’t use the worksheets because the lesson was new so first I wanted to them to do the authentic activity, I gave them materials that they could touch and worked in it.  They liked it and they discssed about the habiats during the activity. I had asked them questions about habitat and three groups could answer and told me extra information so the activity met the outcome. Some students in emerging group didn't understand the lesson so I wrote note and tomorrow I will have other activity to teach the lesson same outcome by different way.


Time management, I was worried about the time so I did the opening fast, as for me the opening is important because the lesson was a new and they should understand the lesson before the activity. 


The end, I assessed by asking each group about their works.

And I asked them about bloom taxonomy questions and they answered but by Arabic. Also I asked them what they learned in this day and they told me some what they have learned.


Classroom management, I used happy face, sticker and verbal reinforcement to engage them. It worked for some.


My area for developing, Next lesson I’ll focus on my voice, and I will be slowly I think I will divide the lesson to part because the science is difficult for children.

MCT's Reflection

(Dr. Neil)

Dr.Neil 1
Click to see the doc


Observation:      Al Sumow                                                                                      Date:  28th February 2016

Teacher:              Maryam Mohamed                                                                    Class: Grade 1

Mentor:               Rose                                                                                                Time: 10.35



Desert and Ocean on the board.  Introduce we will learn about the dessert and the ocean (don’t forget ‘the’).  You ask what desert means and put 2 collages on the table, a boy points to the desert.  OK< yes, you remember you need to focus their attention – remember to praise the students and give positive comments.  You introduce vocabulary – children repeat – OK, and ask what is habitat – it’s a place to live – try not to answer your own questions.  You could ask the children what the Arabic word for desert / ocean is?  I like the idea of turn and talk. 

When you are talking to children you need to a) get their attention completely and manage the talk, hands up and use names (all the time using names and praise).  [You allow too much shouting out]  It might be better if you sit down so you can talk to the class easier.  You show pictures and ask children to match in correct place on whiteboard.  You can use this time to remind children to sit, look and listen by giving the pictures to the children who are behaving well.    You introduce the questions – but focus them before - not all are paying attention.  You choose 5 children and give the leader of each team a bib, then send them to their table.  How did you choose the children who will work as a team?  Once at the table you need to refocus attention – try to be louder and talk to the whole class – you tend to focus on the table near to you but you need to include all of the class.  You want them to talk to each other – perhaps tell them to think of 5 fish, but you interrupt their thinking by getting them to answer.  Then you show a video and play music.  How does this link together?  You need to explain the links in the lesson so that it is clear what students and doing and why?  First ocean then desert video – OK but what do you want children to do when they watch the video?  I am not sure you have a clear idea of what you want the children to do here.  When you plan, try to think exactly what you want the children to do as they watch & listen to the video.  Why did you send the class to table to see the video?  Could they watch it on the floor?  There is a song in the video – do you want the children to sing?  If so, then you should lead the singing.  In general, the introduction was too long as you spent less time on the activity.  How could you introduce the habitat making activity more effectively? – how did the children know what to do?


You have put a lot of effort and time into creating the materials for this activity.  The children immediately begin to unpack the black bag and look at the material.  What exactly do you want the children to do?  You forgot to set the timer at first.   Is there a language element to the activity.  The activity itself allows the students to engage in talk and idea relating to oceans and deserts – although I think some stronger instructions and perhaps a demonstration or model would have been helpful.  What will you follow this up with, as I would like to see some language work at some point.  ON the whiteboard, you use the word – sea star – but the correct word is starfish.  You start a countdown – remember to use spoken instructions too – to make it quicker.  – especially as you start again.  You need to attract the whole class’s attention at this point.  Can you establish a signal – e.g. clap your hands =you do get their attention but you need to build on this as you then go and lose it again.  You move to one table – ‘can you tell me about your habitat’ – the rest of the class are not paying attention, you need to involve all the class – otherwise they are still engaged in the activity and the talk is more like ‘in-task talk’.  How can you get the rest of the class to listen to and look at the rest?   In future lessons, you need to make more effort to manage the whole class at one time. 


Rose demonstrated to you – how you can manage the class more easily. 


I liked the creative, collaborative activity – and want to know how you would develop it to use more language.

You need to work on developing a teaching personality that is louder, more decisive and clearer.  I need you to make positive comments about children’s action, you need to use children’s names much more, and you need to be bigger and more confident to talk to the whole class.  You need to plan your instructions, so write down what you need to say.  So, remember to:

  • Focus attention of the whole class before you start

  • Give clear instructions for what you want children to do

  • Use names

  • Praise the children – and be positive


You have good ideas for activities but your main aspects to work on are a) class management and b) communication with children during the introduction.  You need to manage the children’s talk, so they participate in turn but don’t all shout out or miss the important ideas you are teaching them.  Remember, too, that the introduction does not need to be so teacher led – you can involve the children actively at this stage. 

Finally, try to link the lesson together – .OK, now we finished this, we will move on to do this’

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